Tuesday, May 29, 2012


You may remember at the beginning of my service just how much I hated roosters. They kept me up all night long and basically ruined my life. I wanted them all dead. (I realize that the death penalty is pretty harsh for a noise violation, but it was really bad.) 
Anyway, I had another funny encounter with a gang of roosters on the bus the other day. I was on my way home from Chinandega, when we stopped on the side of the rode to pick up this señora. I notice that she has a large pan with her...full of roosters. FULL OF ROOSTERS. If it had been full of eggs, that would make sense. But it was full of roosters- I tried to count them. I got to about 14 rooster heads that I could see. To be honest, I think there may have been more. 
This is Nicaragua: the land of lakes, volcanoes and rooosters.