After 3-4 years of applying and thinking and waiting and applying and thinking and waiting, I have finally decided that it is MY time to actually finish my Peace Corps application and submit it. A week ago, I had my interview. At the end of this so called interview, I was nominated to leave in early January 2011 for Central/South America for the Health Extension program. Health Extension is a health education program- in the peace corps, Health Education includes HIV/AIDS, maternal and child health, nutrition, water sanitation etc...really I could be teaching anything that is somewhat kind of sort of health related depending on what is needed by my community. Now, I am waiting. I have heard that the Peace COrps includes a lot of waiting, and even though I am just at the beginning of this portion of my life, I totally agree. I am waiting to receive my medical packet which will allow me to get a every part of my body checked out, which will allow me then, to wait again. Although waiting is usually not the most exciting activity, I am thrilled and beyond excited to begin this journey!