Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snowed DC

I should be waiting in the Miami airport for our 11 am flight to Nicaragua. I should have woken up at 1 am in order to check out of our DC hotel at 1:30 to make it to our 6 am flight from DC to Miami. Instead I am in my hotel writing this blog. Positives of this-got to sleep a lot later than I expected to. Negatives-it's cold here! I should hear more about our change of itinerary in about an hour. I will keep you all updated with the status of the trip!
So far though, I'm happy-our Nica 55 Health Group is awesome! People are from all over the US, ages 21 to 31 ish, pretty diverse group. Really enjoying everyone's company so far. I think everyone is feeling pretty similarly right now-ready to go to Nica, but okay with being able to sleep some more.
I did have to say one last goodbye last night-we've been together for the past 5 years and seriously I will not look the same without you. To my nosering-I will miss you. My face feels lonely without you. Hope to see you again in 27 months.


  1. why goodbye to the nose ring?!?

  2. Its back in for now! It was a professional dress code violation...we shall see if Ill be able to keep it in for my 2 year site!
