Sunday, October 28, 2012

Creepy Crawlers

{Heads up: this story gets kind of gross pretty fast. Read on with caution.}
I just killed a spider about the size of my hand. I was sitting in my hammock chair watching Law and Order...just a normal lazy relaxing Sunday. I glanced over to the wall when I saw it. It had a massive bulb of a body and long hairy legs. If you know me well, then you know that large bugs that move quickly really freak me out. Having been here in Nicaragua for almost 2 years, I have learned to put my fears aside long enough to kill them and sweep them out of my house. And that is exactly what I did. I wanted to use something that would kill it automatically and not allow it a second chance to get away, so I grabbed a frying pan. Good thing my window was closed because someone would have thought there was a stranger or a bear in my house that I was trying to scare away. I crept up on the 8 legged creature, lined up my fingers on the handle remembering my softball days and took a swing. BANG! It was dead. Its body juices oozed out on my wall and its legs curled up into themselves and fell onto the floor. It was disgusting. Still shaking, I swept the gross thing out my back door to hopefully be eaten by a dog or washed away by the rain. Hopefully these bugs will think twice about entering my house. Don't mess me with bugs.

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